All Episodes Now Available on Waypoint TV

Watch full length episodes of Into the Blue on Waypoint TV

Watch full length episodes of Into the Blue on Waypoint TV

We're proud to announce that you can now watch all of our episodes on Waypoint TV. This means you can watch full length episodes of Into the Blue anytime and on any device. Waypoint TV is like Netflix, but for fishing shows. Pretty dang cool.

You can watch our episodes for free on Waypoint TV right now on these devices:

Waypoint TV is currently available on all of these devices

Waypoint TV is currently available on all of these devices

We're in good company on Waypoint TV. Some of the other top fishing shows are on there too.

All the best fishing shows are now on Waypoint tv

All the best fishing shows are now on Waypoint tv

You can watch our episodes on Waypoint TV on Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, iOS, Android and the website (

Stream all of our episodes on your Apple TV

Stream all of our episodes on your Apple TV

Add the waypoint tv channel on your roku

Add the waypoint tv channel on your roku

We're proud to offer this to our fans. Binge away!