Steve Rodger killed this brute on 2017's opening day in South Carolina's Lowcountry.
Photo courtesy of Steve Rodger
"At about 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, the opening day of deer season in South Carolina’s Lowcountry, Steve Rodger felt about as low as a hunter could feel -- lower to the ground than a Louisiana mud varmint, lower than a snake’s belly -- you might say.
He’d missed a shot at a huge, no, an enormous whitetail buck in full velvet out in the open in a food plot -- a buck he’d hunted all of the 2016 season without seeing in person -- and he was sure his chances for 2017 had just died.
But when he started to glass the waist- and chest-high pines on the right side of the food plot -- where the huge buck, three 8-pointers and a 6-pointer had all run after his shot, he saw some dog fennel moving. Then, he saw the tips of some antlers and recognized the biggest of the 8-pointers. Then, he saw more bucks. Finally, he saw the rack of the biggest buck."
Checkout Carolina Sportsman for the full story by DAN KIBLER: