S11:E5 - “Dolphin & A Sword” (2019)
Scott & Steve share why, when it comes to dolphin & swordfish, you have to be ready for both.
Into the Blue was the CHAMPION of the Waypoint series showdown, meaning that we will be having a 24 hour marathon of the show on Friday, July 10th! You can view the marathon on Samsung TV Plus and Stirr TV ALL DAY Friday!
Once the fish is done you can just pull the meat off the bones and start building your tacos. Add some lime juice and bring the pulled meat back to the grill while you wait on the corn to finish. Once this is all done, you can add your street corn sauce, and build your tacos with your preferred toppings.
S12:E10 - “Great Bait! I’m Hooked” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger break down the best-kept secret bait spots in the Keys.
S12:E9 - “Hawks Cay Wrecks” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger explore the fertile waters around Hawk's Cay
“I’m just rigging up a squid, a little heavier duty than I need to. I am attaching the body and the head to the hook so that if he slashes it - he can’t just tear it in half without having to come back with something all in a knot. It can hit this really good and it will still hold together. It is a little bit more than you need to do, but these baits are soft and they are so far down I like to have a second chance…
As a meal, swordfish are the perfect combination between fish and a meaty steak. Unlike some fish, swordfish is the ideal in-between flavor of fishy and non-fishy taste, making it a perfect selection for those beginning to expand their palette with fish and seafood. What makes swordfish unique is that it is sold by steaks and carries a meaty-like texture to it, rather than a flaky consistency such as tilapia or grouper. Swordfish are cooked exactly like steaks, so they are grilled to your preferred temperature.
Deep sea saltwater fishing is what we are all about. We love the adrenaline surge that comes from fighting these deep sea fish. This is not for beginners, but we are here to help educate you to become the best deep sea saltwater angler you can be. We have blogs to help you catch fish and recipes to help you cook your catch. Ask us any questions about fishing and we would love to answer and help you catch some fish!