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S11:E5 - “Dolphin & A Sword” (2019) - Scott & Steve share why, when it comes to dolphin & swordfish, you have to be ready for both.
We headed out to go fishing in the Florida Keys for some Swordfish. One of the most important things we do whenever we go fishing - whenever anyone goes saltwater fishing - its important to pack for something else. Often when we go fishing for swordfish, or dolphin or tuna we will bring some rigged up marlin lures, live bait to drop to the bottom or some squid for deep dropping. We are always prepared to catch something that we might not have been planning to catch.
Particularly for Swordfishing our back up is Mahi Mahi. Once, up in Louisiana we were fishing for swordfish, and the weather was good for fishing, even though a storm was on its way. We kept getting bites from swordfish and finally Scott was able to hook one and get one up to the boat. Crazy enough, the hook slipped out of the Swordfish’s lip and the captain was able to gaff him before he got away.
Once we got that guy up on the boat we were celebrating and then I saw a Dolphin swimming right next to our boat - and of course we had prepared so Scott and I grabbed two rigged top-water lures and tried to hook the Dolphin. It wasn’t long before I got him and we had both the Swordfish and Dolphin on board in a matter of moments. Thats one of our favorite moments and a good reason why we prepare for Dolphin whenever we go fishing for Swordfish.
Go Into The Shop with the Power Pro Maxcuatro
Until next time,
Captain Steve Rodger
As always, we had Jason Stemple with us to document this trip in ultra high quality still photos. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!
See you next time on Into The Blue
Capt. Scott Walker & Capt. Steve Rodger