Into The Shop - Power Pro brought to you by West Marine.
Check out Power Pro
There's a lot of fishing lines out there today, there are all types, all colors, all sizes. Well, we've been with Power Pro for a really long time. We've been with them since the beginning, amazing product, the best there is. Well, they've even gone a step further. Power Pro now has Maxcuatro. What that is it's a line that is 25 percent thinner diameter.
Now, what does that mean ‘25 percent thinner diameter?’ That means you can be able to cast further you can be able to put more line on the reel. The other thing is you can be able to use a smaller reel which is more comfortable. You can fish a little bit longer and it's not going to be so much fatigue involved.
We're using this Maxcuatro a lot more when we are casting for tuna so we can stop the boat a little bit shorter and make longer cast tend to get more bites. And another thing we're doing is when we're swordfishing, being 25 percent thinner diameter than your traditional. So your traditional 65 vs. Maxcuatro 65 which is 25 percent thinner; less drag and dropping down 1800 feet to the bottom. To catch a swordfish during the daytime you don't want any drag, trust me, more bites Maxcuatro maximize your fishing performance.
Into The Shop brought to you by West Marine.
See you on the water,
Steve Rodger