The 4th Of July is a great time to have a hearty meal with friends and family and enjoy a firework show. One of my favorite things to do is cook steak on the 4th of July. Below is a recipe for Reverse Sear Steak and it has been shown by my friends and family to be a favorite meal!

Reverse Sear Steak:
Set up Green Egg to indirect heat.
Rub steak with salt, pepper, and garlic
Place on grill at 225 degrees until meat reaches 130 degrees for its center temperature
Remove the steak and set it aside
Remove indirect plate from the Big Green Egg and crank the heat up to 500 degrees.
Put the steaks back on flaming grill with a pat of butter, score the steak with fire and serve!
See you next time on Into The Blue
Capt. Scott Walker & Capt. Steve Rodger