What do you do with the odd shaped end pieces off of your Tuna steaks?
Scott Walker shows you how to make an unbelievable Tuna Salad with the end pieces and...a microwave!
Check it out here:
Into the Blue was the CHAMPION of the Waypoint series showdown, meaning that we will be having a 24 hour marathon of the show on Friday, July 10th! You can view the marathon on Samsung TV Plus and Stirr TV ALL DAY Friday!
Once the fish is done you can just pull the meat off the bones and start building your tacos. Add some lime juice and bring the pulled meat back to the grill while you wait on the corn to finish. Once this is all done, you can add your street corn sauce, and build your tacos with your preferred toppings.
S12:E10 - “Great Bait! I’m Hooked” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger break down the best-kept secret bait spots in the Keys.
S12:E9 - “Hawks Cay Wrecks” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger explore the fertile waters around Hawk's Cay
What do you do with the odd shaped end pieces off of your Tuna steaks?
Scott Walker shows you how to make an unbelievable Tuna Salad with the end pieces and...a microwave!
Check it out here:
We have alot of people asking about how to clean and prepare all the different fish we catch. This year, we really tried to shoot lots of video with step by step instructions on just what we do.
Want to see how Scott Walker cleans a Yellowfin Tuna? Here is a video of him showing you how to clean a fresh Yellowfin he just caught.
Scott is using a Bubba Blade 9 Inch Flex knife and gives you step by step instructions on exactly where to make the cuts to pull two beautiful loins off the fish.
Yellowfin is one of our favorite fish to catch and to eat. If you have a great Yellowfin recipe, post it to the comments.
We get alot of questions about how to clean fish and how to cook it. As professional fishermen, we are fortunate to be able to have a large supply of fish available to us year round.
Red Snapper are one of the finest eating fish in the ocean and are available over a broad area. You cant always keep them, but when you can, you are in for a treat.
Steve Rodger shows you how to clean them and gives suggestions for how he likes to cook them both grilled and fried. Steve is an advocate of simple recipes and gives you 2-3 ideas on how to clean and cook not only Red Snapper but also any of the Snappers and many other white meat fish.
Steve uses a 7 inch Bubba Blade and goes through exactly where to make the cuts and how to remove the skin. Fileting a Red Snapper is extremely similar to tons of other fish and all the snapper family so if you need to brush up on your fish cleaning skills, check out this video.
You can also go to our website and see the full length episode of us catching Red Snapper in Louisiana and see exclusive web content on all the gear we used and tons of other information only available at http://www.intothebluefishing.com/
Deep sea saltwater fishing is what we are all about. We love the adrenaline surge that comes from fighting these deep sea fish. This is not for beginners, but we are here to help educate you to become the best deep sea saltwater angler you can be. We have blogs to help you catch fish and recipes to help you cook your catch. Ask us any questions about fishing and we would love to answer and help you catch some fish!